Monday, 25 May 2020

Avatar On Earth

Avatar means to descend or descend. According to Hindu belief, whenever the weight of the wicked increases on the earth and there is loss of religion, then God sends his share or comes to the earth on his own to kill the sinners and protect the devotees.
To liberate people from the demonic king like Kamsa, Lord Vishnu had to be born as Krishna.             Similarly, Prahlada had great reverence for Lord Vishnu. That is why he also did devotion against his father Hiranyakashyap, as a result of which Hiranyakashyap wanted to kill him and made many efforts to kill him.
Even then God had to come in form of Narasimha to protect the devotee.

Kabir Parmeshwar does such leela to maintain devotion in the devotion of the devotee, but the name of Lord Vishnu was born on the basis of Lok Veda, because Prahlada was a worshiper of Vishnu God)
In the same way, the complete God also brings incarnations on the earth in every era with different names and shows the path of salvation by giving devotion to the society.
Talking about the present time, there are many saints who have been the contractors of different religions, but if a complete teacher is one, how can he be identified?
For this also our religious texts and prophecies of prophets bear witness

 Kabir speaks about the present incarnation of God

पांच संहस अरू पांच सौ पांच
जब कलियुग बीत जाय
महापुरुष फरमान तब,
जग तारण को आय

God Kabir Saheb said that when Kalyug will be fifty five years, then my blessed saint will come and will salvage the world by giving the whole world the knowledge and good faith.
Prophets predictions
Nostradamus prophecy
 The time when that elemental Shairon's spiritual birth will take place that day will be dark Amavasya. At that time, that world leader will not be 16, 20, 25 years old, he will not be young, but he will be mature and he will be famous in the world between the ages of 50 and 60 years. That will be 2006. "

According to the prophet "Mr. Vagellatine"

In the second half of the 20th century, there will be many incidents in the world like lack of mutual love, race for Maya collection, loot and unjust of Raj leaders etc. But the new civilization based on peace and fraternity originated from India, in the world - country, province and
Breaking the boundaries of caste will create peace and peace around the world.

Prediction of astrologer 'kiro' of England

 Kiero has predicted in the book written in 1925, that in the second half of the twentieth century ie in the year 2000 (saints born after 1950), the world will bring 'a new civilization' which will spread all over the world.
That one person of India will bring enlightenment to the whole world.       There is accurate evidence in the speech of Parmeshwar Kabir Saheb that the saint is none other than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. The prophets of the prophets do not fit well on any other saint, the same proves that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only saint who has come to cross the world, so take the time

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1 comment:

Who is Durga maa

भारत देश में आस्तिकता सर्वोच्च है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने हिसाब से भगवान को किसी न किसी रूप में मानता ही है। इसी का एक हिस्सा है नवरात्रि प...